Thursday, October 31, 2019

Enhancing employability Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Enhancing employability - Coursework Example of handling and evaluating information to make it useful for the company, developing strategies at different levels, awareness about competitors and customers trends, knowledgeable about his responsibilities and most importantly have strong communication skills which are also known as soft skills among many professionals. It has also been observed that universities succeeded in developing all other necessary skills among its graduates but developing soft skills is dependent on individuals own effort as it is difficult to teach these skills at graduate level. In addition to the above mentioned skills there are many other which every employer wants to have in its employees. These skills will also be discussed in this report. On the other hand fresh graduates also want to attain good positions in reputable organizations in order to build professional careers. This report will explain how universities devise their curriculum which helps to integrate both technical and other employability skills among its graduates. And the criteria through which universities determine if they have succeeded in developing the essential skills. a set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes – that makes graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy. With the increase in economic recession it has become more difficult for people to get job of their own choice. This problem is more serious among fresh graduates who do not have professional experience and need a step to start their journey of life. Unemployment is not the problem of poor countries this problem has been prevailing throughout the world, only difference is in the number of unemployed people. The rate of unemployment can be seen in table 1 in annexure. Struggle to get good job has increased as there are fewer employers and more employees who are willing to work. Therefore it has

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Day and the Life of 9-11 Essay Example for Free

A Day and the Life of 9-11 Essay I remember the account like it was yesterday. It seems like any other morning I got up early with a reminder call from mom. (She work overnight) I head back down the hallway to the siblings room I wake up the boys first. They were always the hardest to wake up. â€Å"Time to get up†, I yelled like a screaking alarm clock as I jumped excitedly up and down the bed where they slept. All you can hear is the moan of the boys’ stops and pleading to get more sleep. Next stop back to my bed room where my dear little sister lays sleeping I walk up to the bed and shake hear and say time to get up. I politely give her a wake because never gives me trouble when it is time to get ready for school. I roll my eyes because those troublesome brothers of mine I know are not up out of that bed and I have to repeat the previous process and this time up each one out of the bed. While I spend time doing this my sister is up and at it she in the bathroom washing her face and brushing her teeth not having to be told what to do. In my thought I say I love that little girl. My brothers of course are moving in slow motions like a sloth in a tree. I am aggressively pushing them along and barking orders at them tell them what to do like a drill sergeant in the Army. â€Å"Wash your face†, â€Å"Brush your teeth† and â€Å"Make sure you brush your hair†. Now that I have gotten the boys up and moving I head to the kitchen to get breakfast going. Not long after finish the siblings start rolling in. My sister first so nice and chipper like she is skipping in a garden and picking flowers as she goes, how she can be that happy that early in the morning I will never understand. I finally boys come dragging their feet into the kitchen and flopping in a chair. Still grumbling about being up so early complaining about how I could have let them sleep longer. Now here is where the really trouble begins now that they are all in the same room. So now the brothers start to bother their little sister since the breakfast they are eating seems to miraculously give them a turbo boot of energy. All I can hear is â€Å"Stop leave me alone†, laughing and name calling going at the table behind me. See more:  Manifest Destiny essay My job as a big sister mother like role comes in to play; I turn to them and yell â€Å"Leave her alone before I start on yall!† Breakfast is all done now it is time to round up the troops and get them to the bus stop. Making sure they have their book bags and everything that goes in it. Once we have jackets and book bags on we make our venture up the winding driveway to the bus stop. After the bus arrives I head back down the driveway, and now have to get myself ready for school and head back down to the bus stop to get myself off to school. Now on the bus were take normal route and pickup kids. We head to the middle school to drop them off and now we head to the high school. While heading to the high school the bus driver received a call and was taking alternate route to drop us off at the school. We can see the route we normally take and there are cars backed up down the street. We thought that we had another bomb threat since that was kinda normal at our school. Once inside and we headed to homeroom we were told that planes had crashed into a building in New York. We turned on the news in the classroom because we wanted to know the details of what was going on. As we watched the news started report the approach of a second plane and we watched in real time the second plane crash into the second building. Not really understanding what was going on the new reports that it was a terrorist attack happening. Instantly it made since why we had to take a different route to school that day. Our school is Next to one of the biggest Army training bases. So of course the locked down the base no one in and no one out, which caused the traffic to back up around the school. The students reaction was mixed the students bombards the teacher with questions that at this time she had no answers for. Some student continues like it was nothing, other started crying knowing that they had loved ones that worked in those building. Many were sad because they knew that their mom and dad maybe deployed somewhere and would be gone for a long time. My reaction was why anyone would want to crash planes into these particular set of building, why would they risk their own lives doing so. While all of this was going on the intercom came on and announcing that the teacher turn off the television and try to continue the day as normal. In reality the day would not every be normal. We had so many unanswered questions. How could we continue the day like we had not seen what we seen or heard what we heard. Some teacher complied with the instruction others did not. One of the teacher found that it was important to have some clarification on what was going on. She began to tell us about what was being reported through the day. Since now it is almost time to go home there had been more progress on what had just happened that morning. She said that there had been a terrorist attack and the people they think is responsible were a Muslim group called Al Qaeda. My next thought was what Al Qaeda is and what did being Muslim have to do with it. I later learned that prior to September 11, 2001 the country moved along at its regular daily pace. Conflict and wars have been a component of the United States since the beginning of time. There are three sources conflict: human rights, global terrorism, and environmental problems. Many see terrorism as a way to hide greed, racism, and the conquests of power. Terrorism is defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigations â€Å"as an unlawful use of force or violence against person or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives† (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2002-2005). Terrorism makes the statement that demands attention and affects every person in every country around the world. On that clear Tuesday morning; September 11, 2001, nineteen Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and other Arab nat ions boarded four fully fueled American airliners. These airliners were set to depart to cities in California. Little did the staff for each of the planes or the people boarding them know that plans had changed. Within the space of an hour, al Qaeda wreaked more direct damage on the United States than the Soviet Union had done throughout the entire cold war, a tragedy seen by more people than any other event in history. (Bergen, 2006) Many questions were garnered after September 11, 2001. What caused this horrific attack and who’s to blame for it? Was this attack forecasted, could we have seen it coming and prevented it? What do we do now and how do we prevent it from happening again? People in America were terrified but at the same time came together in the face of tyranny. On September 11, 2001, nineteen militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda boarded and hijacked four American airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. At 8:45 a.m. an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact left a huge, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story skyscraper, immediately killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors. As the evacuation of the tower and its twin got underway, television cameras broadcasted live images of what initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, eighteen minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767–United Airlines Flight 175–appeared out of the sky, turned abruptly toward the World Trade Center and sliced into the south tower near the 60th floor. The impact caused a massive explosion that rained down burning debris over surrounding buildings and the streets below. It was at this point everyone knew America was under attack. (9/11 Attacks, 2012) As millions were watching the events unfold in New York, American Airlines Flight 77 circled over downtown Washington, D.C., and crashed into the west side of the Pentagon military headquarters at 9:45 a.m. Jet fuel from the Boeing 757 caused a overwhelming firestorm that led to the structural collapse of a portion of the enormous concrete building. All told, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed in the Pentagon, along with all 64 people aboard the airliner. (9/11 Attacks, 2012) It was initially thought that this plane was bound for the White House or the Capitol Building; however, because of lack of visibility coming from the west as it did objects obscured these targets making the terrorists change their plans and crash into the Pentagon. (Limbacher, 2001) Less than fifteen minutes after the attack on the Pentagon; things became much worse in New York. The south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed bringing a huge cloud of smoke and dust. The building that could withstand 200 miles per hour winds, could not withstand the heat of the burning jet fuel and eventually the structural steel buckled and collapsed. Within minutes the North tower fell to the same fate. Approximately 3,000 people were killed, both inside the buildings as well as people in the vicinity. An extremely large number of firefighters and paramedics (343), police officers (23), and Port Authority police officers (37) were killed while trying to complete an evacuation of the buildings. Only six people in the World Trade Center towers at the time of their collapse survived. (9/11 Attacks, 2012). During the time that the towers were collapsing, a fourth plane bound for San Francisco, CA was being hijacked. Due to this plane being delayed in taking off, the passengers on board learned of the events transpiring in New York City and Washington D.C. through the use of the Airfones and cell phone calls from relatives on the ground. Since the passengers knew that this plane was not bound for an airport they decided to take matters into their own hands. The passengers fought the four hijackers and are suspected to have attacked the cockpit with a fire extinguisher. The plane flipped over and sped toward the ground at a speed of upwards of 500 miles per hour, crashing in a rural field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:10 a.m. All 45 people aboard were killed. Its initial target has never been completely determined; however, it is believed that it was bound for the White House, the U.S. Capitol, or one of several nuclear power plants along the eastern seaboard. (9/11 Attacks, 2012) The people aboard Flight 93 have been deemed heroes, as their actions that day saved possibly hundreds if not thousands of lives. After being transported around the country due to security concerns, President George W. Bush returned to the White House around 7 p.m. At 9 p.m. he addressed the United States from the Oval Office, affirming, â€Å"Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. In a reference to the eventual U.S. military response he declared, We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them. (9/11 Attacks, 2012) As a result of the attacks, America led an international operation to expel the Taliban command in Afghanistan and to destroy al Qaeda’s terrorist cells based there. Operation Enduring Freedom began on October 7th 2001, and within two months U.S. forces had successfully overthrown and removed the Taliban from operational power. However, the war had to continue as U.S. and coalition forces attempted to expel a Taliban insurgency in neighboring Pakistan. Many of the al Qaeda’s top lieutenants were captured or killed, to include its bin Laden’s second in charge and the overall mastermind of the attacks Ayman al-Zawahiri. (McCarthy Luke Harding, 2002) Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda and financier of the September 11 attacks was able to escape U.S. forces until he was finally traced to a hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan and killed by U.S. forces on May 2, 2011. (9/11 Attacks, 2012) As Americans, when a tragedy like September 11, 2001 happens to us, our first reaction is obviously to be frightened. We then came together as a country much like we did after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Our next reaction is to ask questions; how did this happen, could we have avoided it happening, why did it happen, and how do we prevent it from happening again. There are many theories as to why 9/11 happened; however, we will never know for sure, we can only speculate based off information provided to us by our government and media. U.S. foreign policy is believed to be one of the most influential reasons for the attacks. Bin Laden opposed the United States support of Israel. The support that the U.S. gives to Israel especially Israel’s invasion of southern Lebanon in 1982 triggered Bin Laden’s anti-Americanism. In 1980s his anti-Americanism took the form of boycotting U.S. goods. His hatred only grew by the export of 500,000 U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia after Saddam H ussein’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990. (Bergen, 2006) Other possible reasons or causes for the attacks were a clash within Islam. Michael Scott Doran talked about 9/11 being a result of a conflict within the Muslim world in a Foreign Affairs essay, Somebody Else’s Civil War. Doran contended that Bin Laden’s followers consider themselves an island of true believers surrounded by a sea of immorality and think that the future of religion itself, and therefore the world depends on them and their battle. In particular, Egyptians in al Qaeda, such as Ayman al-Zawahiri, hold this view, inheriting it from Sayyid Qutb, who believed that most of the modern middle east is living in a state of pagan ignorance. The Egyptian jihadists believed that they should overthrow the near enemy-middle east regimes run by apostate rulers. Bin Laden took the next step, urging Zawahiri that the origin of the problem was not the near enemy but the far enemy, the US, which supported the status quo in the middle east. (Doran, 2002) Globalization and a desire to provoke the United States have been inferred by political analysts as possible motives for the attacks. Bernard Lewis wrote a book called The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror. He is the best-known advocate of the idea that the Muslim world is in a crisis largely attributable to centuries of decline, represented by the fate of the once powerful Ottoman Empire and its humiliating carve-up by the British and French after the First World War. Lewis also contends that the problems of the Middle East were later compounded by the introduction of two western ideas; socialism and a worldly Arab nationalism. Neither of them delivered on their assurances of creating wealthy and impartial societies. (Lewis, 2003) Three weeks after 9/11, as the US began launching air strikes against Taliban positions, a video of Bin Laden sitting on a rocky ridge was broadcast on Al-Jazeera. On the tape, Bin Laden stated, What America is tasting now is something insignificant compared to what we have tasted for scores of years. The Islamic world has been tasting this humiliation and this degradation for 80 years Neither America nor the people who live in it will dream of security before we live in it in Palestine, and not before the infidel armies leave the land of Muhammad. Bin Laden accentuated the humiliation of the Muslim world and the negative effect of US policies in the Middle East thus agreeing with Bernard Lewis’ statements in his book. (Bergen, 2006) Obviously one of the most defining negative impacts of 9/11 was the amount of lives lost on September 11, 2001; as well as the number of lives still in jeopardy as a result of the â€Å"War on Terror†. The 9/11 attack killed 2,973 people, including Americans and foreign nationals but excluding the terrorists. (U.S. deaths in Iraq, war on terror surpass 9/11 toll, 2006) Since the beginning of the Afghan War (Operation Enduring Freedom) in 2001 up to the current day, there have been 2,104 U.S. servicemen and women who have lost their lives. That number includes both combat deaths as well as military suicides that occurred in Afghanistan. (Suarez, 2012) Although the War in Iraq was not directly linked to 9/11, the attacks help jump start that war since the initial reasoning for going to war was Iraq harboring terrorists and having a surplus of weapons of mass destruction. The total number of American soldiers that have been killed to date as a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom is 4486 lives. (Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, 2012) The â€Å"Patriot Act† could be looked upon as a positive outcome of the 9/11 attacks. The â€Å"Patriot Act† was appropriately blatant. Before 9/11, soldiers were considered the â€Å"patriots†; units like Special Forces were considered to be the tip of freedom. Now the FBI and prosecutors were to have that same privilege, the same authorization to hunt down enemies without much oversight or interference. When it was signed into law six weeks after the attacks, the act made it easier to wiretap American citizens suspected of cooperating with terrorism, to investigate business records without notification, and to execute search warrants without immediately informing the targets. Privileges once set aside for overseas intelligence work were extended to domestic criminal investigations. There was less judicial oversight and very little transparency. The bill’s symbolism mattered also, signaling that the moral deference previously given to the Special Forces would be extended until it incorporated much of the apparatus of the American state. (Wallace-Wells, 2011) There are some that feel that Americans civil rights have been violated since 9/11. The ACLU for instance, they disagree with the principles of the Patriot Act. They summarized that â€Å"The Patriot Act† enormously and unconstitutionally expanded the government’s power to interfere in people’s private lives with little or no evidence of wrongdoing. Years after its enactment, there is little evidence to prove that the Patriot Act has made America more secure from terrorists. But there are many unfortunate examples that the government abused these authorities in ways that both violated the rights of innocent people and misspent precious security resources.† (Dean, 2011) September 11, 2001 will be a day that stays in every Americans memory as one of the most tragic days in American history. It was a day where hijackers boarded planes, flew them into our buildings and murdered thousands of Americans. Even though as a country we prevailed in the War on Terror as well as the War in Iraq, we will continue to feel the negative impacts of this day. One definite positive outcome is that every American citizen remembered what it was to be an American citizen and to treasure the freedom that we have. To all the Americans that lost their lives on that day and all the soldiers that continue to fight for our freedom at home and abroad; We Will Never Forget You. Work Cited U.S. deaths in Iraq, war on terror surpass 9/11 toll. (2006, September 3). Retrieved from 9/11 Attacks. (2012). Retrieved from The History Channel: Iraq Coalition Casualty Count. (2012). Retrieved from Bergen, P. (2006). What Were the Causes of 9/11? New America Foundation. Dean, J. (2011, September 9). Reflections on the 9/11 Atttacks Lasting Impact on America, and American Law. Retrieved from Verdict: Doran, M. S. (2002, February). Somebody Elses Civil War. Retrieved from Foreign Affairs: Lewis, B. (2003). The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror. New York: Modern Library, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of a division of Random House, Inc. Limbacher, C. (2001, September 16). Cheney: Pentagon Plane was Headed for White House. Retrieved from McCarthy, R., Luke Harding. (2002, February 17). Bin Ladens Number 2 Said Captured In Iran. Retrieved from Suarez, R. (2012, August 24). U.S. Military Death Toll in Afghan War Reaches New Milestone. Retrieved from PBS News Hour: Wallace-Wells, B. (2011, August 27). Patriot Act. The kitchen-sink approach to national security.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Tipi Tales Analysis

Tipi Tales Analysis Mahealani Subad As children grow, we try to teach them certain values that will help them later in life to become good human beings. Some of the teachings can be taught from children shows as they show scenarios of life lessons, such as honesty, through characters that children attach themselves too. In the children show Tipi Tales (Oswald 2002), it presents children with life lessons and stories that based upon Indigenous culture through puppeteer work. With the children show ended in 2007, it taught lessons, specifically Ojibwe teachings, and converting some of the values from those teachings into characters to make the show relatable to younger audiences (Ojibwe Teachings The 7 Grandfathers). The show was seen as a way to present Indigenous culture to Canadian children in a way to connect the indigenous community with prime-time television as it was mainly shown on the popular television station Treehouse (Course Entertainment 2002). Within the show, Tipi Tales (Oswald 2002) follows four cousins of Indigenous descent who visit their great-grandparents where they are taught life lessons from various characters who resemble Ojibwe teachings. In the childrens show, there are seven animal characters, in which, each of the animal characters correspond with the Ojibwe teaching of the Seven Grandfather Teachings (Ojibwe Teachings The 7 Grandfathers). The Seven Grandfather Teachings are the ethical values of the Ojibwe people, which consists of humility, bravery, honesty, wisdom, truth, respect and love (Ojibwe Teachings The 7 Grandfathers).ÂÂ   These values that the Ojibwe had set was apart of their oral traditions that have been passed down by elders within the community (Verbos and Humphries 2013). The values were told through story that conveyed the meaning of how human beings should behave whether if it is towards each other or the Earth (Verbos and Humphries 2013). An example of the values and the relation i t has with human beings and the Earth would be respect as it attaches itself to all creations such as nature, creatures and people (Verbos and Humphries 2013). In indigenous culture, nature is not seen as an object, but as a living thing, in which, indigenous people believe that the Earth should not be treated or be exploited by human beings at the expense of other forms of life (Verbos and Humphries 2013). The way Tipi Tales portray these values sets them in an understanding that children can comprehend the meaning of each lesson taught within each episode of the show. However, when analyzing the show, I did not comprehend the Indigenous origins of the values that were being portrayed within the show. Although the show involved an indigenous family and had undertones of Indigenous music during the title sequence, I had to look further into learning about the 7 Grandfather teachings to truly understand the indigenous origins behind the show. Nonetheless, with the exclusion of the extensive research to understand the origin of values taught within Tipi Tales, it does create a cultural outreach to Canadian audiences as there are not many children shows that present an indigenous culture or identity on prime-time television. As mentioned before, Tipi Tales was one of the two shows, along side The Mole Sisters, to present the rich and oral traditions of Canadas Aboriginal community and our strong literary traditions on Canadian prime-time television (Course Entertainment 2002). By making the decision of adding a children show based upon Indigenous teachings, it can be seen as respectable allowing diversity into younger audiences entertainment as the show is shares the values of the Seven Grandfather Teachings of the Ojibwe people. The show can be a starting point into introducing Indigenous culture to children as there are aspects of the culture that everyone can learn from, especially as an adult as life can be construed fr om the mistreatment and exploitation that we see often that effects the Earth or our everyday lives. Upon researching the children show, Tipi Tales, I had only heard of the show and watched some of the episode as a child not putting any thought into the show as it seemed like any other children show that taught life lessons of how to be kind and to treat others the way they wanted to be treated. However, with taking another look at the show, it presents a deeper meaning as the show introduces life lessons in the perspective of Indigenous culture where the whole show is based upon the Seven Grandfather Teachings of love, honesty, bravery, wisdom, humility, truth, and respect. All values a child must learn and with the extent that the values can be applied to nature as it is seen as animated. Bibliography Ojibwe Teachings The 7 Grandfathers. Anishinabek Bumadizone:An Ojibwe Peoples Resource. Accessed March 18, 2017. Tipi Tales. Directed by Lesley Oswald. By Nancy Trites Botkin. Performed by Herbie Barnes, Jane Skene, Rebecca Gibson, Ryan Rajendra Black, Michelle St. John, and Jules Desjarlais. 2002. Treehouse TV Brings Canadas Literary and Aboriginal Oral Traditions to Television for Young Viewers. Corus Entertainment. 2002. Accessed March 20, 2017. Verbos, Amy Klemm, and Maria Humphries. A Native American Relational Ethic: An Indigenous Perspective on Teaching Human Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics 123, no. 1 (2013): 1-9. doi:10.1007/s10551-013-1790-3.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mans Blinding Greed for money damages his soul Essay -- essays researc

'I want it all-money,fast cars,diamonds rings and champagne.'So says Warren G in his quadruple platinum single 'I want it all'.Hip hop artists profess their love for money through such lyrics.They portray this love through their music videos.Flashy cars,expensive clothing,extravagant locations and money are shown with the utmost ostentation. Young people look up to these musicians as their role models.They believe that those musicians have the perfect lives.You couldn't possibly go wrong with all that money.Or could you?MC Hammer,Toni Braxton and TLC all have one thing in common-they were all bankrupt at some point in their careers.Whitney Houston is a marijuana addict.Do these people have so much money that they don't even know what to do with it?Most musicians xompose their own songs and everyone knows that the best ballads are the ones about broken hearts.Therefore,are musicians really rich inside?Wouldn't we all be if we just looked for the bare necessities in life?Happiness,truth and love. Happiness as defined in the Oxford Dictionary is a feeling of luck,fortune and contentment.Most hip hop artists express their childhoods as miserable experiences because they grew up in the ghetto.But now that they have acquired all this wealth,their lives just couldn't be better.Could they have not made the best out of their childhood,knowing that they were loved and cared for?Weren't they truly happy then without all the material accessories?In my opinion,if you are lucky enough t...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Expansionary Policy

Expansionary policy is a macroeconomic policy that seeks to expand the money supply to encourage economic growth or combat inflation. One form of expansionary policy is fiscal policy, which comes in the form of tax cuts, rebates and increased government spending. Expansionary policies can also come from central banks, which focus on increasing the money supply in the economy. The U. S. Federal Reserve employs expansionary policies whenever it lowers the standard fed funds rate or discount rate or when it buys Treasury bonds on the open market, thereby injecting capital directly into the economy.I will focus this paper?on these policies and theories, and how the federal government would engage them?in an effort to move the economy out of a recession. The Great Depression challenged the classical model with the reality of a long depression and high unemployment. In The General Theory, Keynes attacked the classical model in two important ways. First, he identified some flaws in the mode l. Second, unlike the business cycle theorists, he offered a well-developed alternative model of the macroeconomy.This model was the basis for the Keynesian revolution, the change in macroeconomic theory and policy that occurred when Keynes's ideas displaced the classical explanation of how output and employment are determined. The Keynesian model begins with aggregate demand and works from there to employment, instead of the other way around (Amacher & Pate, 2012). In the 1930s Unemployment was high because planned spending was too low to generate the level of output that would result in full employment. Thus, too little spending was identified as the cause of unemployment.To reduce unemployment, planned spending had to increase. In the language of aggregate supply and aggregate demand (a model developed after Keynes), aggregate demand had to shift to the right. In attempting to identify the cause of employment, Keynes reasoned as follows: EXPANSIONARY POLICY 3 The level of employm ent is directly related to the level of production, or output. In a market economy, planned spending on the output of the business sector will determine the level of production. Firms adjust their levels of production to meet demand for their products. Put simply: Supply adjusts to demand.(In contrast, Say's law said that supply creates its own demand). Because employment depends on production and production responds to spending, the level of employment in a market economy depends on the level of planned spending in the economy (Perry, 2009). Before Keynes balanced budgets were generally accepted by politicians and the public as the responsible thing. Keynesian view challenged the desirability of balanced budgets. Argued that federal budget should be used to promote AD/full employment. Federal Budget influences AD two ways: ?Government spending on goods and services stimulates AD.National defense, highways, education, etc. Tax policy influences AD. Tax cut increases disposable incom e, increases PCE – C goes up. Business tax cut increases business investment on equipment, etc. Keynes argues that fluctuations in AD are the source of economy disturbances and create the bus cycle – â€Å"Animal Spirits. † Policy conclusion; stabilize the economy through fiscal policy (Perry, 2009). If economy is in recession, government should engage in expansionary fiscal policy†¦increase government spending and/or reduce taxes, increase budget deficit.Borrow money (to finance the deficit) from individuals, businesses or foreigners. Economy is in recession at due to animal spirits. Downward pressure on prices. Expansionary fiscal policy (active budget deficit) cut personal income taxes, cut corporate taxes; increase government spending government can pursue restrictive fiscal policy to reduce AD1 to AD2 (Investopedia, 2013). EXPANSIONARY POLICY 4 Keynesian view; government should engage in activist, discretionary, countercyclical policy to stabilize econ omy. Run deficit during recession to stimulate (increase) AD.Run surplus during expansion to restrain (decrease) AD. Since budget deficits are now permanent, restrictive policy now means a smaller deficit, not a surplus. If deficit goes from $200B to $100B, that is restrictive, even though there is still a deficit (Investopedia, 2013). When Keynes attacked the ideas of the classical school in The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936), he was attacking the mainstream of 19th-century economic thought. In doing so, he ignored some important work by other economists, such as Henry Simons and Irving Fisher, who were working in the classical tradition.The ideas that Keynes criticized were those that drove the macroeconomic policies of his time. His contributions changed the policy approach to recessions and depressions for decades to follow (Amacher & Pate, 2012). Fiscal policy relies on changes in government spending and taxes (and transfer payments, which can be treat ed as negative taxes). In general, conservative Keynesians prefer tax changes, leaving the level of government spending constant. Liberal Keynesians are more likely to favor changes in government spending or transfer payments.Fiscal policy cannot be considered outside the context of the level and composition of existing government spending†¦ In the United States, a large share of the nation's income is claimed by government, and a substantial share of output is produced by or for government (Amacher & Pate, 2012). There are two kinds of fiscal policy. One kind is put into place and left to respond automatically to changes in the level of economic activity. The second kind, used less frequently, is deliberate action to change tax laws or enact new spending programs so as EXPANSIONARY POLICY 5 to influence the level of output, employment, and prices.Congressional legislation over the years, much of it enacted during the Great Depression, has created a system of tax collections an d transfer payments that change automatically in response to changes in national income. These automatic stabilizers partially offset changes in private spending and tend to reduce fluctuations in output and employment. They primarily include changes in income tax collections, Social Security and welfare benefits, and unemployment compensation claims. Because these automatic stabilizers are triggered by changes in the economy, they do not require further action by Congress (Amacher & Pate, 2012).Transactions involving bonds, reserves, loans to banks, and Federal Reserve notes are the tools of monetary policy. The Fed uses the money supply and interest rates to affect output, employment, and the price level. The Fed has three ways to influence the money supply: open market operations, changes in the discount rate, and changes in the reserve ratio. Open market operations involve buying and selling bonds to affect banks' reserves. The discount rate affects the level of bank borrowing f rom the Fed. Changes in the reserve ratio affect excess reserves (Investopedia, 2013).The Fed's preferred tool is open market operations. Open market operations are purchases and sales of bonds by the Fed on the open market in order to affect bank reserves. Open market operations are a very flexible tool. The impact on reserves can be precisely determined to be as large or as small as desired. Open market operations can be reversed if necessary and can be done without any ordeal. They are done by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Bonds are bought and sold through brokers in New York City. The New York district bank has this responsibility because New York is the financial center of the country.The New York Fed, however, does not buy and sell on EXPANSIONARY POLICY 6 the basis of its own decisions. It carries out the directives of the FOMC. (Amacher & Pate, 2012). These changes are shown on the T-accounts of Banks. If the Fed buys a bond from an individual or a firm, the seller w ill deposit the check from the Fed in a bank. The bank will clear the check through the Fed, and its reserves with the Fed will increase by the amount of the sale. No matter where the Fed buys bonds, bank reserves increase by the amount of the Fed purchase. Banks may also borrow directly from the Fed.Borrowing from the Fed by banks is called â€Å"using the discount window. † The interest rate the Fed charges a bank is called the discount rate. The higher the rate, the less eager banks are to borrow. The discount rate is normally lower than other interest rates at which banks could borrow. When an increase in the reserve ratio leaves banks with too little reserves. Banks have to contract their deposits by selling interest-earning assets or eliminating loans. Such a forced contraction creates a difficult situation for both banks and their loan customers. It takes time to adjust.For this reason, the Fed may cushion the impact of a decline in bank reserves by keeping the discoun t window open (Amacher & Pate, 2012). Each Federal Reserve Bank sets a discount rate for the depository institutions of its district, but the rates are usually the same in all 12 districts. Normally the discount rate is slightly below the market interest rate. The discount rate functions as a signal more than as a direct tool of monetary control. A decrease signifies the Fed's desire to stimulate the economy. Changes in the discount rate also alter the profitability of borrowing from the Fed in order to relend.A lower rate makes borrowing from the Fed more attractive and encourages banks to hold fewer excess reserves. They know they can easily borrow from the Fed if necessary (Amacher & Pate, 2012). EXPANSIONARY POLICY 7 The Fed sets and changes the reserve ratio. There are two kinds of assets that a bank can count toward meeting the required reserve. One is currency and coins, or vault cash. The second, and larger, consists of funds the bank has on deposit with its district Reserve Bank. The Fed requires depository institutions to hold reserves equal to certain fractions of the different kinds of deposits they have.The reserve ratio is higher for banks with deposits over $40 million. One reason why banks collapsed during panics before the Fed was created was that their reserves were too small or not readily available. In practice, reserves now have little to do with the safety of checking and savings account deposits. Their safety is ensured by deposit insurance. However, reserves do ensure that banks will have some ready funds to meet withdrawals. A change in the reserve ratio changes the maximum size of the money supply, not by changing bank reserves, but by changing the deposit multiplier.The deposit multiplier is the reciprocal of the reserve ratio. When the reserve ratio changes from 20% to 10%, the deposit multiplier increases from 5 to 10. A reduction in the reserve ratio has a double impact on the money supply. First, it converts some required reserve s into excess reserves. Second, it increases the size of the deposit multiplier. Decreasing the ratios leaves depositories initially with excess reserves, which can induce an expansion of bank credit and deposit levels and a decline in interest rates (Perry, 2009).A change in the reserve ratio is more complex than open market operations because of this double impact. Because it is such a powerful tool, changes in the reserve ratio are made rarely and in small amounts. Even a change of a fraction of a percent can have a very large (and somewhat uncertain) impact on the economy and can be very unsettling to banks. Both economists and politicians have disagreed over the effectiveness of the EXPANSIONARY POLICY 8 Fed in using its monetary policy tools. The debates of the 19th century over how freely banks should lend are still alive.There is still support for a policy of easy money, unlimited credit, and inflation among those who are in debt and want to be able to borrow more and pay it back with cheaper dollars. There are also groups who support a hard-money policy, ranging from those who simply want monetary growth carefully controlled to those who would like to return to full-bodied money, usually a gold standard (Perry, 2009). Keynesians would advocate an increase in the money supply (expansionary monetary policy), which would decrease interest rates, increase spending, increase AD, increase prices and output, and decrease unemployment.Keynesians believe in more flexibility or â€Å"discretion†, with the Fed adjusting money supply to respond to economic conditions. Expansionary Policy is a useful tool for managing low-growth periods in the business cycle, but it also comes with risks. First and foremost, economists must know when to expand the money supply to avoid causing side effects like high inflation. There is also a time lag between when a policy move is made (whether expansionary or contractionary) and when it works its way through the economy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Prosperities of Teaching Career from

Prosperities of Teaching Career from Benefits of Being a Teacher There are numerous reasons why people want to work in the sphere of teaching. For some of them, it is not merely a profession but a lifelong mission. Becoming a teacher can be hard as a person needs not only to know the subject inside out but also to be good at communication with people (especially of different age groups). I bet that all of us must have had a teacher who was a special one not like all the others and inspirational in his/ her own way. Very often such special teachers that we have met in high school or college are a kind of inspiration why we choose teaching career for ourselves. This career will never be boring because each day is totally different from the previous ones. Luckily, you are not involved in some tedious manual work and as a teacher you always communicate with different people and have various things to discuss. Every day you answer the questions of your curious and investigative students and you just cant help wondering how clever they are. Moreover, while teaching (even if you are involved in teaching in some nursery or primary school) you discover a lot of new things for yourself. You actually find yourself in the lifelong process of constant learning. What can be better than always having an opportunity to broaden your outlook? Finally, if you really love teaching, what can be better than having a profession that you truly enjoy and derive sheer satisfaction from? By doing what you love, you can help children broaden new horizons and open new doors in front of them. Check out a brief list of perks that teaching has: Teachers know the answers and they are the ones who share knowledge. Isnt it great when people come to you for any advice? Or when they view you as a reliable and trustworthy person with whom they can consult? Teachers have loooong vacations. Wow! Thats really the biggest perk of being a teacher. You dont have to work in summer! Teachers are always in demand. It seems that this profession will be always topical and even if you do not have an official job position, for now, you can always be a private tutor. You can be the one who inspires now. Remember all those great and enthusiastic teachers who inspired you in childhood? You can be the one like that right now. With your passion and enthusiasm, you can inspire your students to strive for the best and to find their niche in life. As a rule, teachers spend fewer working hours than their counterparts. Of course, they have to prepare some materials at home, but all in all its not the same as working in an office. Teaching will help you to become a real expert in your subject field. Even if you start as an inexperienced teacher. At least one year of daily teaching experience with all those explanations of the material will help you know the subject inside out. If you have children, your schedule will allow you to spend more time with them at home (as you wont be teaching late hours). The fact that you love what you do will always keep you motivated at work. You will enjoy such perks as pension plans and health insurance + tuition reimbursements and paid sick leaves. Teachers enjoy a solid paycheck. Besides, they have opportunities of being promoted and receiving salaries higher than average.